Redesign Your Home On A Budget

Hurd & Honey Mirrors In The Home of "The Little White Farmhouse" Via Instagram

Hurd & Honey Mirrors In The Home of "The Little White Farmhouse" Via Instagram

Between HGTV, Instagram, and Pinterest it can be challenging to not find contentment with our own homes. Ultimately we want to be at peace with the design of our homes, and we want our homes to represent our own preferred styles. You may find that you're ready to make your home "your own" or you may simply want to redesign a specific room.

There are several ways to redesign your home on a budget, and surely it's more fun than shopping from a catalog or in a "furniture store". 

Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Choose A Statement Piece

If you're redesigning your entire home, you'll want to give the home plenty of personality by choosing a statement piece for each space. A beautiful vintage rug for your entryway could transform the space entirely. The rest of the decor and furniture can be simple pieces that you already have around your house. 

Once you've set your budget, purchase all of your statement pieces first, as you'll want to spend more on these items.

Apartment Therapy

Apartment Therapy

Decide What Can Be Transformed

Instead of purchasing everything new, consider what you care paint or refinish. Websites like can help guide you with these options. Your home likely has a lot to offer, and the more permanent features like the cabinets may simply need a new finish. Reupholstering an old chair can also transform an entire room, and it isn’t as difficult as you might imagine, as shown by There are endless guides on Pinterest that can help with these types of DIY projects. 

Paige Morse

Paige Morse

Decide What Can Be Repurposed

As shows with a gorgeous example of a ladder being turned into a multi-layered display tray, so many items throughout the home can be transformed into something else. Consider old dishes that can be used as pots for plants. If you're a lover of "farmhouse modern" decor, visiting your local antique shop can be great inspiration for repurposing projects. 

Making Home Base

Making Home Base

Personalize Your Walls

What you hang on your walls should represent your family and you. Ikea is a great place to purchase low cost frames; add enlarged family photos or travel photos and display them in a gallery wall. There are several online printing sites like Parabo Press that can help keep this cost lower than average. 

Rose & Grey

Rose & Grey

Go On A Treasure Hunt

You can find cheap and free furniture at estate sales, flea markets, thrift stores, and antique shops. Don't be afraid to bargain either! Craigslist is a wonderful place to find unique and budget friendly items as well. But old fashioned "garage sailing" (that's what we call it) is always exciting. When people are ready to sell their unwanted items, they're also willing to part from them for a fair price. You never know what you'll find! 

You can easily give your home a refresh without spending much money, and always keep in mind that you only need what you need. Avoid purchasing items that you "might use one day". 

*This is a collaborative post.