Creating A More Natural Home

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

Living where we can open our windows is life giving. Climate is one of the main reasons we moved to Colorado. We all have little things that bring substantial peace to our souls, and for us, a shift in climate has been a great blessing.

All climates have their beauty; finding ways to bring elements of nature into our homes will inspire rest and promote peace. 

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey


There are several ways to bring a few plants inside, whether you love having herbs in the windowsill or a large bird of paradise in your living room. There are also several plants that clean the air like the classic pothos.

Plants add color and texture to interiors quite beautifully. 

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey


Whether you love essential oils or candles, or both, there are many natural scents available. Filling your home with a lovely aroma that is also natural, is cozying and refreshing. One of my favorite moments in a given day is diffusing essentials like lemon and pine after the kitchen has been cleaned. Aromatherapy is powerful, and essential oils are a great way to physically and emotionally bring extra wellness to your day, and into the evening. 

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey


Another way to create a more natural home, is to "make" your energy, or harvest it right from home. Where we live we receive an abundance of sunlight, which is wonderful, but it also keeps the door-to-door solar energy companies quite active. We are considering adding solar panels, which would require solar panel installation on our roof. It's quite fascinating to think that all of the energy we use could be created on our property, using the sun! 

Or how about wind energy? You can even construct your own turbine if you're feeling somewhat inventive:

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey


My dream home would have a Spanish colonial style. I love the rustic and airy elements that make these homes both natural and historic. Incorporating wooden furniture, stone elements, wicker, brick, and ceramics will give your home a more natural feel.

Consider shopping at antique shops for a few lovely pieces to add to you decor. In the past more natural materials were used to make items instead of the plastics that are used today.

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

Cleaning Products

We're not sure if Meyer's cleaning products are truly chemical-free, but for now that's what we use, and we do love their scents. If you have the time, you can find various resources to make your own cleaning products.

The the gentle ingredients in your homemade cleaners like vinegar, lemon, and essential oils are much better for your family. This year I hope we can try some new cleaning recipes, perhaps with witch hazel and essential oils. 

"Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” ~ Gary Snyder

*This is a collaborative post.

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey