Hurd & Honey

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How I Found My Blogging Purpose

Well, here I am. I think I've finally figured this out. I've always wanted a space to write. I've always wanted to be able to share my ideas, my thoughts, my reflections, and the occasional strong opinion. Before we had "Hurd & Honey" I taught 4th grade writing. As a teacher I often hoped that I'd be given a chance to write curriculum. I wanted to dig deep and make learning meaningful, and rich, and interconnected with real life. Tying good literature with state standards and engaging methods filled me with life and enthusiasm. My writing outlet evolved once our business began to grow, and I eventually left the classroom. From time to time I would write about one topic or another: small business advice, muffin recipes, decor ideas. Nothing felt exactly right, nor fulfilling. On the rare occasion I would write something more meaningful, with greater depth, something that came from the heart. A week later I'd question how an essay on life connected to our business. Then we had Ester. I became a mother. Writing intermittently was a thing of the past, and I could barely handle the basic operations of our business combined with keeping a baby book. While I had no free time to physically do anything outside of endless precious feedings, I had endless time to get lost in my thoughts and daydreams. My desire to write was boiling over. Once Ester reached a year old I felt that I could try writing again, specifically, I would try blogging. I dedicated my efforts wholeheartedly, blogging daily, five days weekly, and I kept up with it for about four months. That's when we decided we would move from Texas to Colorado, and again, my need to write was placed on hold.

The four months of dedicated blogging wasn't in vain. I needed write all of those paragraphs about home decor, and blueberry muffins, packaging materials, and hygge. I enjoyed writing on these topics, and surely these themes will be present in the words I hope to write in the coming months. They'll simply be woven in differently, they'll be shared from the vulnerable perspective of a mother of one, of a stay-at-home mom that works from home with her husband, of a former teacher that hopes to homeschool, of my life. As Ester grows my writing focus will shift, just as it should, but my voice will be constant. "Dear Little Bees" is my corner where I can be present through writing, through documentation of moments, through photos and written words.