Hurd & Honey

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The Easy Way to Maintain Your Home

Having a home to maintain can be incredibly daunting: the maintenance, the cleaning, the landscaping, the clutter, and the lives we live that seem to get in the way. In reality we should enjoy our homes, they should be the place in which we seek rest and refuge from our busy lives. 

How do we overcome the exhaustion, how to we look forward to washing another sink full of dishes, how do we find joy in the repetition and the unexpected repairs?

Hurd & Honey

Determine Your Family's Priorities

For some families it's important to have the best portable generator in case of emergencies, for others it's important to have a deep cleaning service that visits twice a month. For us, well, it's cleaning the little messes, like dishes in the sink, piles of laundry, and sticky floors. Once you determine what makes your home a more restful place, these are the things to prioritize. When we feel like our responsibilities are building up and we're not able to address them, we may begin to feel stress without realizing it. When the neighbors are out landscaping on Saturday don't feel the pressure to "keep up", instead, address what matters to your own family, and enjoy what you already have. 

When we make our priorities the priority we will find our hearts at greater peace. 

Hurd & Honey

Minimize Clutter

Space saving is helpful when it comes to maintaining a home, but even more beneficial psychologically. While we're not "minimalists" we do value organized spaces. As families grow it's easy to accumulate stuff, and ironically, the stuff seems to accumulate when budgets are tightest. We adopt a mindset that anything low price or "free" is worth taking advantage of, and then our homes are full of "stuff", most of it not in practical use.

When we're fully living in a present mindset it's easier to say no to something if it's not a true present need for our families.

Hurd & Honey

With our priorities addressed and clutter diminished we're able to better enjoy our homes. A more positive outlook is helpful when faced with an unexpected repair. 

*This is a collaborative post.

Hurd & Honey